Good read. For years I have struggled with the polarization of the American viewpoint. You’ve addressed this beautifully. Living in Canada now, has provided enough distance to look back, and see the progression of the dumbing down of American intellect. You have written to this in a bold and adept way, and my hope is that people return to a place of consciousness of others opinions and a desire to talk, and not attack.

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Thank you, Julie!

We can only hope that people will become more conscious about the vital importance of engaging with those that we disagree with. But it is a huge 'ask' of people who have been brainwashed by decades of angry, partisan rhetoric.

My intention is to create a virtual community (an ecosystem)_of deliberate and disciplined thinkers. It is in this vein that I have created a bi-weekly newsletter to private subscribers and another a weekly (public) essay platform (on Substack). I would very much appreciate your sending these links to your friends and social media network. We need to start doing this work in our own families and communities.

1. Here is my latest newsletter: https://conta.cc/46hHPwA

2. And here is my latest Substack essay on critical thinking.


I would also appreciate any feedback you can give me. How can I make this more useful to you, your family, colleagues and peers?

Much warmth, Ashok

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